Monday, February 16, 2009

Pinafores and Pantaloons, oh my!

Can I say that this might just be my new favorite project! I absolutely love these little reversible pinafores! They're seasonless because they can be worn alone or with a tee underneath and if one side gets dirty, you just flip it over. Awesome! This is the back of the pinafore and it can be reversed to be the same black and white pattern as the bloomers. I decided that since we, sadly, still have a while till spring, I would go ahead and make the bloomers ankle length. I promise they're cuter than MC Hammer's! I also plan to add some other fun cooridinating fabric ruffles to the bum (shouldn't every baby girl have ruffles on her squishy bum!), but I began having issues with my sewing machine...or maybe, more likely, my machine began having issues with me. Long story short, we're going to have to seek professional help (Singer Store, here we come) before we have a fluffy fanny. :)
Another thing I love about this project is that it can work equally well for both girls. I'm thinking the top would be super cute on Miss Grace with ruffle capris. Again, after we visit Mr. Singer.


  1. I wish you lived closer. I would let you use mine. It is collecting dust. I really want to learn how to use it enough to break it making ruffled panties. Impressive, I must say.

  2. Sarah -

    I haven't seen you in a million years and am super impressed with your wares. I will most definitely check out your Etsy (I LOVE Etsy!) store. Also, I can't believe how much your daughter Grace looks JUST like you. Super cute!

    Welcome to the wonderful world of blog!

  3. Just where did you get those genes? Must be Granny! Love the pinafores... and the girls!!


  4. i love that!i wish i could sew better.
